Contemporary artists

Claude Weisbuch

Claude Weisbuch the man who makes us “see” music

Art has evolved over the years with significant milestones from various artists. More artists had more impact in the art industry with their work recognised all over the world. Amongst these artists is a famous French painter whom many acknowledge…

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Who are the great contemporary artists of the 20th century?

Contemporary art refers to art produced today, in our time. It can be painting, photography, sculpture, installation or video art, however the term “today” is more ambiguous because everyone has his own definition of the word. The beginning of the…

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Who are the great contemporary artists of the 21st century?

Contemporary art is far from being a waste or luxury, it should not only interest restricted audiences, its popularization is also essential. Museums and art galleries allow its diffusion and thus its accessibility to the general public. We see that…

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Who are the most popular contemporary artists?

Modern times came to an end before the end of the 1940s, but the development in the field of art continued until the contemporary era. During the renaissance periods, many contexts evolved. Art was one of these contexts and continues…

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What is contemporary painting?

As an integral part of modern art, contemporary painting is quite difficult to determine with precision because of the different visions and current artistic trends. A painter practices it when he works on new spaces in creation, but it is…

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The art of self-improvement for every artist

There is no doubt about it: Self-improvement is big business. Everywhere we look, we seem to see men dressed in business suits and fancy haircuts. They talk to us as if we were attending the annual general meeting of their…

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